Physical Therapy Services

At Dosher Physical Therapy, we provide the latest techniques in Physical Therapy administered by the most experienced, compassionate, and highly qualified Physical Therapists, Physical Therapist Assistants, and Athletic Trainers in the region.

Programs at Dosher Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy Programs

Dry Needling

Dry Needling is a safe and effective treatment used by Physical Therapists to reduce pain and movement impairments. The technique uses a “dry” needle, one without medication, inserted into muscles to restore pain free movement. 

Fall Prevention, Balance & Dizziness Disorders

Sometimes, you can experience dizziness and balance trouble that may result in frequent falling and injury. Many different conditions can cause balance disorders and chronic dizziness.

Spine Program

Physical Therapy treatment of back pain and chronic painful conditions affecting the spine is focused on reducing pain and managing recurrence of the back pain.

Neurological Rehabilitation

Neurological rehabilitation is a physical therapist designed and supervised program for people with diseases and disorders of the nervous system. Common, neurological disease are Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, and Seizure disorders. Physical Therapy is focused on regaining strength, coordination, and range of motion. In addition, many individuals benefit greatly from training and educate on how to live adapted lifestyles.

Athletic Services

At Dosher Physical Therapy, various techniques are employed to enhance athletic performance. Whether you’re aiming for a personal best, recovering from an injury, or striving to maintain top physical health, our expert team of physical therapists is here to empower your journey.

Additional Physical Therapy Services

Kinesio Taping

The Kinesio Taping® Method is a taping technique that is meant to enhance the rehabilitative process.
Tape is applied in various ways to the body to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities. The goal is to reduce a person’s pain experience. In theory, the tape physically lifts the underlying tissue reducing tension on the pain receptors. The goal to improve an injured joint’s pain free range of motion, reduce bruising, and speed up the recovery timeline.

Muscle Cupping Treatments

Muscle cupping has recently been popularized by famous athletes, however the technique has been around for a long time.
Cupping involves placing multiple small negative pressure suction cups over sore muscles or areas of muscular tension. In theory, this technique encourages increased blood flow to an injured area, reducing pain and increasing tissue healing.

Biomechanics Correction

Many clients receive great long term benefit from participating in biomechanical corrective exercises.
Often, injuries are a result of months to years of incorrect movement. Many people who participate in recreational sports and even athletes are often injured from training. Attending therapy to recover from an initial painful injury is often not enough. Preventing injuries from returning often requires learning and practicing corrective exercise. A physical therapist can evaluate your movement and prescribe corrective drills and tips to help you drop the old habits that led to injury.

Custom In-Shoe Orthotics

Dosher Physical Therapy Associates offers custom made in-shoe orthotics.
An orthotic is a device that looks like an insole but is actually a custom made medical appliance that slips into your shoe to help you walk with less pain. The goal is to align the foot and ankle into the most efficient biomechanical position while you walk or run.

Work Hardening Programs

Work Hardening Programs a specifically designed and performed under the supervision of a physical therapist with the goal to return an individual to their job.
Each program is specific to the individuals job and during therapy, participants are asked to perform simulated work tasks and conditioning exercises. The intensity of the conditioning is gradually increased as participants advance. Objective measurements are taken along the way to show progress.

Headache Treatment Program

Physical Therapists often treat headaches. First, you are evaluated to try and predict the cause of the headache.
For example, headaches are often caused by your neck muscles at the base of your skull being too tense. This chronic problem can often be relieved by being treated with a variety of technique. Our physical therapists will use the latest techniques in manual therapy, dry needling, exercise, and education to help you reduce pain from headaches.

TMJ Treatment

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint and often this joint can develop a very painful, but common disorder.
Typically, the jaw and the surrounding muscles of the neck and face are sore and do not allow the mouth to open and close correctly. This is a painful condition that often can linger for many months, despite various treatment approaches. Physical therapy combines manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, education, and dry needling to help the jaw move properly again.

Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE)

Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE) are typically performed after completing a course of rehabilitation that resulted from an injury that caused an individual to temporarily be out of work.
The goal of the 2-3 hour test is to determine if an individual is physically capable of returning to their job. A physical therapist takes a person through a battery of tests and grades their performance. A objective detailed report is generated that aids in the decision making process of all parties involved.


Fibromyalgia is a complex syndrome that can be difficult to diagnose and treat because it is made up of many different signs and symptoms.
People with the condition often experience widespread pain, fatigue, depression, tender points in the muscles throughout the body, headaches, and anxiety. Living with this condition can be challenging. However, avoiding movement and exercise because of Fibromyalgia your overall health will continue to be decreased. Physical therapy helps, because significant research has proven that if you participate in custom programs including aerobic exercise, strengthening, and education strategies your condition can be managed and quality of life improved.

Bell's Palsy Treatment

Bell’s Palsy is a typically non-painful from of temporary facial paralysis that can affect a person’s ability to communicate and function if stricken with the condition.
Typically, a nerve in one side of your face becomes inflamed and results in sudden weakness and paralysis. Growing evidence suggests that starting physical therapy within a few days to a week of the onset of the condition will speed up recovery. After evaluation, a physical therapist will educate you on protection techniques for the paralyzed eye and face, management strategies, and initiate movement control exercises to restore function quickly as the nerve heals.